Commuting to the airport from NYC during rush hour ?
Hi, just looking for some opinions... I'm a student in the city and on Thursday's I have class until 5:15 in the afternoon. In two weeks I am soppossed to be getting on a plane at laguardia that is scheduled to leave at 7PM, I was wondering if I hopped in a cab right from school (around columbus circle area of NYC) if I could expect to make my flight...normally I fly from JFK and am able to take the airtrain which in total usually only takes me 20 minutes, but now I'm worried about getting to LGA because since I'd be getting into a cab at around 5:15 I'm nervous about traffic and such ... Thanks so much!
New York City - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
well, it the flight has to leave at 7pm, you should be at the airport no later than 530 to get through security. You might want to think about skipping class that nigt or see if you can get a later flight.
2 :
it depends on where you're flying. if it's an international flight you need to be there at least 2 hours ahead of time. if it's domestic they recommend 1 hour. I would suggest skipping class that night or if you just bought the ticket (within 24 hours) they'll usually change your ticket for free.
3 :
You should be fine. 57th street to 59th street bridge and then the streets: right on 21st street, right at broadway, left at 33rd street, right at Astoria Blvd, ramp on the left to Grand Central Parkway, merge onto I-278W (turns slightly right and becomes GCP east, exit 7 toward Terminal B.. This is according to Google Maps and takes approx. 20 min. which it is obviously going to take longer at that time but not too much longer. speak to the taxi driver about this route and take his;/her advice if he has an alternate route that has less traffic, explain your time situation.. Edit: LGA is a domestic airport not international so no problem. I'd print out your boarding pass so you can drop off your luggage and go directly to the gate..