besides skybus, who has the cheapest flights?
skybus doesn't go everywhere. I'm trying to go from Columbus, Ohio to Roanoke, VA. for cheap.
Air Travel - 5 Answers
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1 :
US Airways has always been relatively affordable. And they fly through Roanoke, if I recall correctly. Delta also flies through there, and they can be decent in price too. It really depends, though, on other factors. How flexible are you? When are you leaving? Either way, I would book a flight with the airlines directly, rather than using a middle man like expedia or orbitz or the like. It's always going to be cheaper to buy things directly as opposed to going through a middle man.
2 :
Very expensive, unless flying before March 25th! Or fly from DAY/Dayton with DL/Delta! Try:
3 :
Roanoke is not currently served by a low-cost carrier. You can try different travel websites to see what the prices are for different airlines. If you are flexible, you can also try to fly to an alternative airport and drive to Roanoke. One of my friends flew to Lynchburg and drove to Roanoke.
4 :
Skybus isn't even that cheap it's a ripoff, actually. Misleading at best. You could try Southwest or AirTran, but honestly, I find the best airfares on USAirways, American Airlines and Delta.
5 :
Try flexible hours and dates. Also, the flights called "red eye" are cheaper and the planes usually are half full. It is called red eye because they depart at midnight or a little before or after. Check that time. I love it because the plane is silent. Everybody is either reading, or sleeping.