Cheap flights and flying on a 747?
Never have had the chance, but I want to fly on a 747 to California. Here's what possible: Take Off- Dayton Ohio Columbus Ohio Cleveland Ohio Detroit Michigan Landings: San Fransisco Oakland San Diago Portland Oregon Klamath Falls, Oregon Medford, Oregon Reno, Nevada If there are no 747 routs between those, then what would be the cheapest flight? I'm on a tight budget. I can also fly into or depart from any airport close to any of those. Any Ideas? Thanks.
Air Travel - 2 Answers
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1 :
I doubt there are any flights within USA that are operated by 747 - The 747 presently do operate long international flights - Go to England, and pick a direct flight to Los Angeles, then maybe...?
2 :
There are no 747 flights between the cities you mentioned. Delta operates the 747 but that is for their flights to Asia. I don't know of any airline that flies the 747 domestically. United did use the 747 on some domestic routes due to a snow storm because a lot of passengers were stranded but that was a special case.