Will airline fares get cheaper as it gets closer to the Spring/Summer?
I have a vaction planned in Panama City, Florida in the 2nd week of June. I already have the hotel booked, but I dont want to drive 14 hrs from Columbus, Ohio to Florida. Right now, Delta and NWA cheapest round trip flights are approx $350. Will fares get cheaper as it gets closer to my vacation date?
Air Travel - 3 Answers
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1 :
Yes they will because it will be Spring and Summer soon
2 :
Sorry, but Sara is wrong. $350.00 is a VERY good price and it will not go down in cost the closer you get, in fact it will only get more expensive. I looked quickly on fares from Columbus to Panama city and the least "expensive" was $305.00 without any of the taxes. You need to book this ASAP. Please don't be drawn in and fooled by the "last min hype". Things are changing and you will regret it if you wait and might then end up driving depending on the price.
3 :
The fares will only go up toward spring and summer because that is the busy season for airlines. A lot of people are doing vacation traveling then, which allows the airlines (I know it's unfair) to hike their prices. $350 for a round trip is an extremely good deal. If I were you, I'd book it right now. The longer you wait, the higher the prices are going to go.